Publication & Media Policy

Women Dialogues is a media platform to provide support to bring individuals, companies, and brands recognition to the global market. Individual or group participants who join any Women Dialogues programs or events on any media platform, including social media and print media, are responsible, take ownership, and adhere to the policy of Women Dialogues.

Participants legally abide by and accept it as is, once media work is published and shared worldwide through publication and media platforms.

The published material cannot be removed unless it is proven to be at fault by the participants. Participants must bear the cost and share legal and reasonable evidence for removal proceedings by the company.

The views, opinions, contents, photos/images/videos, or comments used in posts on the website/social media/publication are solely that of the individual/group responsibility, and the individual does not necessarily reflect or represent the views/photos/images and opinions held by the publishers.

The publishers on this platform cannot be held accountable for the copyrighted content. The publisher is a messenger and sharer of information who strives to verify but cannot warrant the accuracy of copyrights. Any infringement was not done on purpose and will be rectified or removed when reported.